"I'm leaving, on a jet plane..."
Photo from Boeing Blog
"Welcome my son, welcome to the blogosphere..."
(My apologies to Pink Floyd)
I'm off to LA tomorrow, hopefully will find some time to do some blogging from out there over the next week or so when I'm not looking for an apartment or getting to know the town.
I've changed a few things since yesterday, and you can expect more in the days and weeks ahead once I've really thought this through and have a good idea of what I want for the look and feel of this blog.
In the meantime, I've added a few things off to the side to keep you the readers busy for a while, and changed the look of the site a bit from the original template that was set up by Adam, who also authored the piece of prose that precedes this posting, effectively launching this site before I even knew it existed. I've also changed the password, so Adam - no more impersonating me online! (Not that you would ever do such a thing, but as Ronald Reagan famously said, "Trust but verify." I've seen enough "Security Watch" and identity theft stories by now to know what can happen when somebody successfully pretends to be you.)
Stay tuned...
PS - Is it wrong for me to quote a John Denver lyric less than 24 hours before I'm about to get on a plane? Or at least bad karma?
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