Monday, July 31, 2006

Hitting the Road

"On the road again..."

After a frenzied weekend, I'm almost packed up and ready to go. The movers are coming for the furniture today and after that I'm going to relax before the long trip that begins tomorrow.

The current plan is to go to Denver and stay at my cousin's place for a day or two, then continue on to LA to make it there in time for August 10th, which is when I'm going to move in to my new apartment. I've come up with four different routes to get to Denver through the Midwest or the South, I haven't yet decided which one I'm going to take.

I don't know what kind of Internet access I'll have on the way, so my blogging (if any) will be very sporadic. I will be keeping a journal with detailed notes of the trip and am also bringing along a digital camera. I'll refer back to the journal for writing the entries from each day of the trip and will upload photos as soon as I get the chance.

In the meantime, I will steal a line from Jack Bauer: "I'm going dark."

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