Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Katie Couric Strikes Again

This time with her Vice Presidential Questions series, which are pretty timely given the high level of interest in the VP debate on Thursday night.

Couric asks both Joe Biden and Sarah Palin for their views on Roe v. Wade. Biden gives a pretty standard answer in defending it, and his disagreement of a Supreme Court decision striking down a provision in the Violence Against Women Act, a bill he wrote.

Couric and Palin make news (again) on two points in discussing the Roe v. Wade issue. First: Palin says that she believes there is an inherent right to privacy in the constitution, which is the fundamental underpinning of the Roe v. Wade decision and is a judicial interpretation or loophole many conservatives have railed against since 1973.

Second: as reported in the Politico a few days ago, it appears (based on the transcript, no video online yet) that Palin was unable to name another Supreme Court case besides Roe v. Wade, or at best handled it in the same way that she answered Couric's question about what newspapers she reads.

Couric also asked them for their views on separation of church and state. Neither response was particularly newsworthy.

Update: Ben Smith at Politico has link to video.

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